
The school was inspected in December 2022. We are delighted that the school continues to be a Good School. The report states that, “There is enough evidence of improved performance to suggest that the school could be judged outstanding if we were to carry out a graded (section 5) inspection now.”

As a Community School, we were also delighted that the pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development was recognised as being successfully promoted across the school. The report states that, “Staff have skilfully woven spiritual, moral, social and cultural opportunities into the curriculum. Pupils learn about different lifestyles, cultures and beliefs. They have a good understanding of rights and responsibilities. Pupils are well prepared for life in modern Britain.”


Summary of findings from the inspection:

  • Pupils thrive in this highly ambitious and inclusive community school. The nurturing relationships between staff and pupils sit at the heart of the school’s success. Adults help all pupils, including children in the early years, to become successful and independent learners.
  • Leaders have designed a rich curriculum. Staff value and celebrate pupils’ academic, musical and sporting talents. Pupils enjoy their learning. They are proud of their achievements.
  • Pupils behave exceptionally well in lessons and around school. They demonstrate respect and care for one another.
  • Leaders promote pupils’ personal development exceptionally well. The curriculum programme aligns with the school vision: ‘everyone is equal, everyone is different, everyone is welcome, and everyone achieves their best’.
  • Pupils are delighted to take on positions of responsibility, such as sports leaders, road safety officers and being part of the pupil leadership team. All pupils, particularly the most disadvantaged, benefit from this excellent provision.
  • Adults identify pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND) quickly and effectively. Pupils benefit from a range of carefully planned interventions which are skilfully delivered by well-trained staff. Teachers and teaching assistants provide excellent support for pupils with SEND.


More information on the inspection click here.

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Ofsted Published Report December 2022