Religious Education 

At Linthorpe, we value, respect and celebrate the diversity of religions and worldviews that we experience locally, nationally and globally. Our RE lessons, which are taught as part of our Life Skills Curriculum help us achieve this by providing our children with the knowledge, vocabulary and skills necessary to understand their own beliefs and those of others.

Our RE Curriculum aims: 

Investigate the beliefs and practices of religions and other world views though questions and discussions

Investigate how religions and other world views influence morality, identity and diversity 

To compare and contrast religions identifying similarities and differences 

To develop pupils’ social, moral, spiritual and cultural understanding 

To enable pupils to have acceptance and engagement with the Fundamental British Values 

We have carefully designed our RE Curriculum, which we have recently reviewed and refined using the latest Ofsted Research Review for RE 2022.

Our ambitious RE Curriculum clearly outlines the knowledge and skills pupils gain at each stage of their learning journey which include clear endpoints the curriculum is building towards. We have carefully sequenced these to help pupils progress well over time. We have high academic ambition for all of our pupils and we adapt this curriculum accordingly to meet the needs of all our children.

Our RE curriculum (based on the Middlesbrough SACRE Advised Syllabus for Religious Education) is built using the following components: Substantive knowledge, Ways of knowing and Personal knowledge (Where do I stand?) and gives children the chance to engage with the big questions that religions address and develop their own sense of wonder. 


As they move through school, children study Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Sikhism and Hinduism, as well as other worldviews that feature in History and Geography topics, looking at key beliefs, festivals and practices.

Real-life Learning

We are fortunate to have a diversity of places of worship in our local area and wherever possible we make visits and host visitors to enrich our RE curriculum.  To help bring RE to life in the classroom, we make use of our collection of holy books, clothing and ceremonial items.

Special Events

Every year, we hold whole school events the give our pupils to chance to learn about the meanings behind religious festivals, to experience how festivals are traditionally celebrated and to inspire our children to have a passion for RE. Our Christmas performances, Christmas dinner and Eid meal enhance our pupils’ cultural and social development.


RE Curriculum Overview

RE Medium Term Plan

Religious Education

EYFS RE Road Map

RE KS1/KS2 Road Map

Reception Christianity

Year 1 Islam

Year 2 Christianity

Year 3 Sikhism

Year 4 Hinduism

Year 5 Islam

Year 6 Judaism