Our Star Award assemblies are a celebration of the learning that has taken place each half term. Through these special assemblies, we encourage pupils to ‘reach for the stars’ and set their sights high – always striving for excellence and being the best ‘Linthorpe Learner’ that they can be.

The Star Award assemblies are themed around subject areas such as Reading, Humanities, Music and PE and provide opportunities for pupils to showcase their talents and be recognised for their hard work. Pupils are also celebrated and rewarded for displaying the seven MAGICAL habits of Motivation, Ambition, Grit, Independence, Communication, Attitude and Leadership in their work across the curriculum.

Star Award assemblies are also an opportunity for pupils to learn about and reflect on our MAGICAL mascots (voted for and selected by the pupils) such as David Attenborough and local journalist Shiulie Ghosh who achieved amazing things in their lives and act as role models of inspiration for our pupils.