National Curriculum +
Vision and Ethos
Early Years
Headteacher’s Welcome
I would like to offer a very warm welcome to Linthorpe Community Primary school, a vibrant, inclusive and diverse primary school, where everyone is equal, everyone is different, everyone is welcome and everyone achieves their best. At LCPS, we operate a unique National Curriculum + model where enrichment, opportunity and talent development meet academic rigour. A rich set of coherently planned experiences, trips and after school clubs enhance and supplement our bespoke curriculum offer. We call this National Curriculum + to reflect the extent to which the LCPS curriculum goes above and beyond the statutory requirements. Academic progress, personal development and character building are a continual focus for all staff and are at the core of all that we do.
We are proud to offer a vast range of exciting opportunities and experiences for all pupils in school and beyond the classroom, in our aim to harness the interests, abilities and talents of each and every child in our care.
The safeguarding of our children is extremely important to us and with the support of our caring and nurturing staff, our children feel safe, happy and know that they are listened to. We have high expectations of all pupils and this is evident through the learning behaviours and MAGICAL habits, which are firmly embedded into our school culture.
I am exceptionally proud to be Headteacher at LCPS after starting my teaching career here as an NQT. It is as a result of the continuous opportunities and constant pursuit for excellence at LCPS, that I am so passionate about creating a culture where both pupils and staff can thrive.
I hope that you find our website a useful source of information and that it gives you an insight into our family centred approach. If you have any questions you may like to ask, please do not hesitate to contact the school office.
Mrs Mitchell
Outstanding Ofsted Result
"Linthorpe Community Primary School is an inspirational and thriving school. Pupils feel safe here. They have high ambitions for themselves. Staff are aspirational for pupils’ achievement. They nurture pupils from the moment they arrive at the school. Pupils, including those with special...
Upcoming Events
LCPS receives award for Digital Resilience
Digital Resilience Quality Mark We are pleased to announce, that following an extensive assessment process, we have been awarded with the Digital Resilience Quality Mark. This quality mark recognises our effective systems in place for filtering and monitoring,...
School Games Gold Mark Award
The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme to reward schools for their commitment to the development of competition across their school and into the community. We have recently been awarded the Gold Award, having demonstrated excellence in each of the...
Weekly Attendance
- Reception 96%
- Year 1 95%
- Year 2 96%
- Year 3 98%
- Year 4 98%
- Year 5 96%
- Year 6 97%