Extra Curricular Activities
As a large Primary school, we are very lucky to be able to offer a rich variety of extra- curricular activities. We believe that every pupil has gifts and interests they can develop at school. As a result, we run a comprehensive enrichment programme. Throughout the academic year, staff at LCPS contribute to this programme ensuring we offer an extensive range of activities to engage all. The clubs range from digital English, music, performing arts, languages and cooking clubs to rugby, netball, football and yoga and provide pupils with the opportunity to develop their interests and abilities.
Our extra-curricular enrichment programme offers pupils a chance to develop their talents as well as their physical and emotional wellbeing. The programme also offers a chance for pupils to strengthen their interpersonal links with pupils in other year groups. The diverse achievements of our talented pupils are showcased and celebrated in our school assemblies where they are encouraged to share their successes.
All clubs are run by members of our staff and most clubs are provided to the children free of charge. Where an external provider delivers a club, parents are asked to pay a small fee. We regularly canvas the ideas and opinions of our pupils, ensuring a tailored and bespoke programme. The extra-curricular activities on offer change every half term to reflect the interests of our pupils.
Please be aware that all extra- curricular clubs must be booked through our online booking system each half term. This is to enable us to plan our provision appropriately. We ask for your commitment to the clubs that you sign up for in order to allow us to plan for everyone’s safety. Please note that all clubs have a restricted number of places which are allocated on a strictly “first come, first served” basis. As a school we reserve the right to offer additional places to some children for a range of reasons.
Last term, 365 pupils attended our 38 different extra-curricular clubs and activities. This half term we have 19 clubs running after school. These clubs offer all children a wonderful opportunity to develop interests and skills.