Pupil Wellbeing Strategy
Our Pupil Wellbeing Strategy is our whole school approach to mental health and wellbeing. We promote good mental health across all parts of the school including the curriculum, the school leadership commitment and staff-pupil relationships. It also involves recognising pupils with emerging mental health needs and providing early support to these pupils, including through referrals to other agencies, specialist support and treatment if necessary.
A school-devised wellbeing scale is used with all pupils to monitor wellbeing and identify vulnerable pupils who need additional emotional support and intervention. Following initial baseline screening of pupil wellbeing and subsequent effective intervention, wellbeing score data demonstrates that the LCPS wellbeing strategy is having significant positive impact on pupil wellbeing and mental health.
The wellbeing scale runs from 1 (child appears unhappy and doesn’t want to be in school) to 5 (child appears very happy to be in school and eager to learn).