Examples of documents used to support our teaching:
Laying the Foundations in Mathematics
Reception Knowledge Organiser
Year 1 Knowledge Organiser
Number and Place Value
Year 2 Knowledge Organiser
Number and Place Value
The teaching of early maths starts with our youngest children in Little Learners and nursery. Across early years, children are taught mathematical concepts using carefully selected stories, rhymes, songs and practical resources. We provide every opportunity to teach maths through real life contexts and play, enabling children to see the uses of mathematics in everyday life.
We understand that developing a strong grounding in number is essential for children to develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically. Introducing maths from an early age, supports not only development in number, but also in problem solving skills, spatial awareness, patterns and shapes and measures.
Our staff are passionately committed to ensuring that all children develop a sound understanding of maths. By providing frequent and varied opportunities to explore maths, our children develop a deep understanding of the numbers within 10 and the patterns within those numbers.
Above all else, it is vital that children foster positive attitudes and interests in mathematics. We encourage them to ‘have a go’ and talk to adults and peers about what they notice.
We teach our children not to be afraid to make mistakes; this is how we learn. Number is taught systematically and results in children applying these skills successfully in their learning. Independent number and mathematical activities are skilfully planned to inspire and engage pupils.
To ensure our nursery children are well prepared and ready to begin our mathematics curriculum from week one in Reception we:
Examples of documents used to support our teaching:
Laying the Foundations in Mathematics
Reception Knowledge Organiser
Year 1 Knowledge Organiser
Number and Place Value
Year 2 Knowledge Organiser
Number and Place Value