Wider Curriculum
At Linthorpe Community Primary School, we recognise that the personal development of our pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural awareness plays a significant role in their ability to learn, achieve and shine in 21st century Britain. SMSC is golden thread that weaves through all we do.
It is our aim to deliver an education that provides our pupils with opportunities to explore and develop their own values, spiritual awareness, high standards of personal behaviour and a caring attitude towards other people. We celebrate their social and cultural traditions, and encourage an appreciation of the diversity of other cultures, as well as a clear understanding of British values. Pupils learn to distinguish between right and wrong and are encouraged to value themselves and others.
All staff model and promote expected behaviour and show respect for all pupils and their families.
Our provision for SMSC education has been awarded a GOLD level quality mark by the PSHE Association.
Some of the ways we achieve this are:
- Cultural Events
- Working with the local community
- Visiting places of worship
- Star Awards
- MAGICAL learning habits
Protected Characteristics
The Equality Act became law in 2010 and this protects people from discrimination. Under the Equality Act, there are 9 Protected Characteristics: Race, Disability, Sex, Age, Marriage and civil partnership, Religion or belief, Pregnancy and maternity, Gender re-assignment and Sexual orientation.
The 9 Protected Characteristics are actively promoted at Linthorpe through:
- Our core values
- Character Related Education Programme
- Our subject curriculum areas
- Our behaviour policy
- Conscious role modelling by all adults in the school community
- Active engagement and communication with parents and carers
- Assemblies
- PSHE lessons
- RE lessons
- Pastoral time activities
- Class story time
- Sporting, Art and Cultural Events
- Educational visits
- Real-life learning outside the classroom
- Guest speakers
- Developing links within our local community
- Extra-curricular activities
- A Protected Characteristics book spine
Promoting the Protected Characteristics at Linthorpe
We work to ensure that our pupils understand that:
There are no outsiders at Linthorpe
Everyone is different
We celebrate our differences
We are all equal in our differences
Protected Characteristics Booklist
As well as working to eliminate discrimination through representation throughout our curriculum and discussions in PSHE and RE, each year group has a set of age approriate texts to explore as part of their planned learning. These books are explored over the course of the year to encourage positive and guided discussion of the protected characteristics. At Linthorpe, we strive to create an environment where children can share their opinions and ask questions.
All books are labelled with our school motto:’Everyone is equal, everyone is different, everyone is welcome and everyone achieves their best’ and link closely to our promotion of the Fundamental British Values of Tolerance and Mutual Respect, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty and Democracy.
Mind Time
As part of our Life Skills (Health Education) curriculum, we teach our children self-care techniques for mental well-being.
We achieve this through regular guided exercises in finding calm, being kind, fostering appreciation and paying attention. Bringing their attention to the present moment, gives our children a sense of calm and balance and helps them experience awe and wonder in the world around them.
This approach uses recognised methods that are recommend by NICE (National Institute for Health and Care Excellence) for the prevention and treatment of depression, anxiety and addictive behaviours. There is also a growing body of research showing the cognitive benefits of such exercises, particularly on attention span. Given the relationship between attention span in the early years of education and long-term educational outcomes (social mobility), our Mind Time programme has been designed be effective for ages from 4 – 11.
Teachers take part in the exercises alongside their classes, both for their own self-care and to act of role models our children. Each Mind Time activity is then followed by the School Prayer.
EYFS Mirrors and Windows
book list
KS1 Mirrors and Windows
Book list