Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Our vision and commitment to ensuring every child has the best start in life permeates through our EYFS and underpins our early years provision. Our curriculum is designed to give all children, regardless of their starting points, the self-belief and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.

Understanding that language and literacy provide the cornerstones to future attainment, our curriculum prioritises language development and by the end of reception, ensures that our children use their knowledge of phonics to read accurately and with increasing fluency.

Through practical activities, purposeful play and talk, pupils develop an understanding of the world and the basic concepts they will need for their learning.

We are ambitious for our pupils, and provide a kind, caring and supportive environment in which their confidence can grow and their talents thrive.

We understand that high-quality early education includes a strong emphasis on personal, social and emotional development (PSED). Effective PSED gives children the best chance of becoming healthy, well-rounded, confident individuals who are able to form and sustain positive relationships. Our carefully crafted curriculum, together with our care practices actively promotes and supports children’s personal, social and emotional development. By prioritising the prime areas of learning and allocating sufficient time and resources, we ensure every child gets the best start to their early education.  

At Linthorpe Community Primary School, we provide a range of learning experiences through which children have opportunities to:

  • Play and explore
  • Be involved in active learning
  • Be creative and thoughtful

    We have a clear understanding of the differing needs of 2, 3 and 4 year olds. This has scaffolded and shaped our EYFS provision which is designed to challenge, remove barriers and reflect the needs of our childen. Our curriculum is rooted in providing high-quality learning experiences that deepen understanding, secure intended learning and lay the foundations for future success. It is taught across the following areas of learning:

    • Communication and Language
    • Physical Development
    • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    • Literacy
    • Mathematics
    • Understanding of the World
    • Expressive Arts and Design

    At Linthorpe Community Primary School, learning takes place through a balance of child-initiated play and adult-led activities so that children:

    • Develop independence and are curious, enjoying learning and exploring
    • Form positive relationships with adults and peers
    • Become confident communicators
    • Experience high quality teaching and learning that meets individual needs
    • Are confident learners who are ready for the next stage in their learning journey

    Throughout their learning journey, our children partake in an broad and balanced curriculum which is designed in a sequential way to ensure progress towards our end of year curricular goals.

    By the end of Reception our children are independent, curious and want to play and learn. They know and remember more and are able to make connections in their understanding. They are confident in new spaces and routines and ready for the transition to Year 1.

    Early Years Stronger Practice Hub

    We are proud to be a named partner of the Northern Lights Early Years Stronger Practice Hub.

    Through our work with the hub, we are here to ‘provide advice, share good practice and offer evidence-based professional development for early years practitioners’.

    As a partner we:

    • Provide free in person showcasing events at Linthorpe Community Primary School – helping colleagues to see evidence-informed strategies in action
    • Support networking opportunities in Middlesbrough and the wider region-  meet colleagues and signpost/ provide bespoke support, training and resources
    • Signpost to EEF/DfE resources and opportunities – help early years practitioners to find out what other free support and training they could access.


    EYFS Little Learners
    Curricular goals

    EYFS Nursery
    Curricular goals

    EYFS Reception
    Curricular goals