
“History is who we are and why we are the way we are.” —David C. McCullough

Our History Curriculum inspires pupils to think, read, speak and write like historians and develop a lifelong curiosity about past events and forgotten voices. Our History Curriculum is built around the progression of the following ‘big ideas’:

chronology, exploration, invasion, civilisation, legacy, monarchy, and religion and opens our pupils’ eyes to the way the world we live in today has been shaped. 

During a pupil’s journey from Y1 to Y6, our History Curriculum builds on the Knowledge and Understanding of the world our children develop across EYFS. We have carefully designed and sequenced our History Curriculum which clearly sets out the vocabulary, knowledge and skills pupils gain at each stage of their learning journey so that pupils progress well over time. 

Our curriculum has been built using the following components:

Substantive Knowledge (knowledge of the past) and Disciplinary Knowledge (knowledge of how historians investigate the past). 

Our aims are to provide a broad, balanced History Curriculum that ensures development of historical understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Our curriculum ensures that pupils develop not only their historical knowledge, skills and vocabulary but a love for history that will remain with them for the rest of their lives.

The aims of history in our school are:

  • To enable children to know about significant events in British and world history and to appreciate how things have changed over time.
  • To develop a sense of chronology.
  • To help children understand society and their place within it, so that they develop a sense of their  local heritage.
  • To develop in children the skills of enquiry, evaluation, interpretation and presentation enabling them to ‘think as historians’.

Via an enriched National Curriculum+ offer, our ‘Enhance & Excel’ programme, and ‘50 things’, we ensure that children have as many opportunities to make meaningful links to real life contexts and experiences.



We are a Heritage School

Linthorpe Community Primary School are very proud to have been named a Heritage School by Historic England. This award recognises that children at our school develop a sense of pride in where they live and understand how their local heritage relates to the national story.


Local Curriculum


Our bespoke curriculum is tailored to the context of LCPS pupils and draws on our local area in order to enrich learning and ensure relevance. Local curriculum heritage links are embedded across the curriculum, so pupils gain a sense of place and a connection to where they live and go to school. Learning opportunities are developed throughout to ensure pupils engage with and enjoy the heritage on their doorstep and understand its significance locally, nationally and in the wider world.

Useful Links

History National Curriculum 

History National Curriculum Key Stage 1 and 2

Historical Association

Historical Association



   Laying the foundations in History

Whole School History
Overview 2023-24

History SKILLS

KS1 Big Ideas Road Map

KS2 Big Ideas Road Map